Jorja thriving in her new roles

Jorja thriving in her new roles

8 October 2024

Jorja commenced with Transition to Work (TtW) in April whilst undertaking her Certificate III in Hospitality at TasTAFE and working casually at McDonalds. Jorja built a strong rapport with her Mentor, Bec, and they worked together to identify any barriers that were hindering Jorja’s progress towards achieving her goals. Jorja lacked confidence and had limited job preparation skills. Bec provided Jorja with the support and encouragement to complete her studies to enable her to achieve her goal of securing employment in the Hospitality Industry. Jorja regularly attended the Marketing group and TTW supported her to update her resume, create industry specific cover letters and provided her with the tools to confidently apply for jobs.

TtW Mentor, Matt, who has a wealth of experience and valuable contacts in the Hospitality Industry, provided Jorja with invaluable information and advice on Hospitality opportunities in Launceston. Jorja was booked in to attend a guest speaker information session with Charly from Mud Bar and after this session Jorja met with Charly and was interviewed on the spot.

Jorja was asked if she would assist with our Careers Expo making Mocktails alongside Charly, and she jumped at the opportunity. Jorja was in her element, she arrived early to help prep the station and really took the lead. She was more than happy chatting with participants about her journey with TasTAFE. With 100+ people through the door, she worked incredibly well under pressure and kept up a positive, sunny disposition and Charly has provided her a glowing reference as a result.

TtW Jorja has now secured two positions in the Hospitality Industry and is thriving. TTW has supported Jorja with fuel to attend work as well as work clothing.