Grassroots – Collaboration between National Joblink and Cairns Safer Streets Task Force

Grassroots – Collaboration between National Joblink and Cairns Safer Streets Task Force

6 December 2022

Grassroots (Connecting People and Places) is a place-based project born out of a collaboration between National Joblink Cairns and Cairns Safer Streets Task Force.

The program aims to:
• Provide appropriate training and employment pathway opportunities to the First Nations people and the CALD communities of Mooroobool, Manunda and Manoora in Parks and Gardens
• Encourage community pride, ownership and stewardship of community spaces
• Create an attractive and culturally representative venue as a focus for neighborhood activities that celebrates the diversity of the community and our region
• Enhance employability skills and address non-vocational barriers.

We are currently in week 8 of a 24 week program with participants completing a Certificate II in Horticulture. Engagement has been superb, with the Grassroots team already achieving so much: planting trees at a Regenerative Agriculture project, working in the Green Space Community Garden, excursions to the Botanical Gardens and to the Cairns Esplanade to examine plant profiles.

The team has also been designing the revamp of the outdoor landscape at Mooroobool Hub that celebrates the cultures and values of the community, with totem poles, plant scapes and rock art. The team has been regularly attending their work experience with the local council and learning from experienced professionals.

The course is not even half finished and the team has already achieved so much. By the finish date we plan to renovate the garden around the hub, do more work experience in different locations and hopefully find employment outcomes for as many of the participants as possible.